Welcome to Holy Trinity Shaw

We are a friendly, diverse church where all are welcome, wherever you are on your journey.  Come as you are - God loves you, God is love.

We are the Church of England in West Swindon, and we are in the Diocese of Bristol.

All are welcome here wherever you are on your journey.

We worship together every Sunday at 10.30am. 

We come as we are and join together as God's family to sing hymns and songs, to hear passages from the Bible and what it means for us today, to pray and to be community together.  There are usually refreshments after the service to chat with other congregation members.

What's on at Holy Trinity Shaw

5:15pm - 6:15pm -
7:00pm - 8:00pm -
9:00am - 11:00pm -

Messy Church

Messy Church meets at 4pm on 2nd Sunday of each month.   A time of stories, craft, worship and food.  All young people and families are welcome. 

See Messy Church page for further details.

Open the Book

Open the Book (OtB) is an exciting storytelling project where Bible stories are shared with children in a way that is fun, interactive and memorable. 

Find out more about our involvement in local schools and Open the Book.

See the Open the Book page for more details.

Thursday Faith Talks

The group is the continuation of the Alpha group which finished recently, and is open to everyone.  Come and join us as we talk about various topics, to encounter God and deepen our faith.  We will meet monthly on the first Thursday of each month at 7pm at Holy Trinity Shaw in the Sunshine Room.

All are welcome.

Day Group for Jesus

A regular bible study group that meets on alternate Mondays 10-11.30 am. Session lasts about an hour.

For more information, please see the DG4J page

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